Friday, October 23, 2009

BoA Struggles With Loan Modifications

Bank of America could collect about $6 billion if it meets the deadline set by the federal government to help struggling borrowers for the Making Home Affordable program.

But the Treasury Department released a report last week that showed that only 11 percent, about 95,000, of Bank of America’s delinquent borrowers who are potentially eligible for the program have been given a loan modification. That puts Bank of America at the bottom of the list of major banks involved in the program.

"We're sure working hard," said Ken Scheller, senior vice president for home retention at Bank of America, when asked about his company's low success rate. "We don't want to be down there."

There appear to be multiple problems, not the least of which is that many of the employees handling the modifications are completely new to the business. Angry investors complicate the issue, with 15 percent of them demanding that the bank get their approval for every single case.

Source: Washington Post, Renae Merle (10/12/2009)

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