Friday, August 7, 2009

Entrepreneur Identifies 10 Do-Business Cities

Entrepreneurmagazine has identified 10 major cities that it says encourage business start-ups.

The magazine chose cities that provide government incentives, have affordable commercial rents, have public officials who are open to new ideas, and have a population that's growing.

Amy Cosper, editor in chief of the publication, says she thinks Entrepreneur’s research will help other businesses that are searching for a location to start a new business or expand an existing one.

The most entrepreneurial cities identified in the July issue are:

  1. Las Vegas
  2. Portland, Ore.
  3. Orlando
  4. San Diego, Calif.
  5. Phoenix, AZ
  6. Chapel Hill, N.C.
  7. Atlanta
  8. Madison, Wisc.
  9. Youngstown, Ohio
  10. Austin, Texas

Source: Entrepreneur (07/29/2009)

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